Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Obama? Osama? Whatever!

One of the best year-in-review features EVER is the Crunks list of media errors and corrections. For journalists, it's both sobering and hilarious.

This year, name confusion between Barack Obama and terrorist Osama bin Laden led the way. The compilers also note an unusual rise in errors at student newspapers. Let's hope that's not a trend.

So, grab your eggnog, sit back and follow this link. There are a lot of errors to "enjoy."

(If the link didn't work, paste this URL into a browser instead: )

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

College paper at heart of PBS documentary

Area students interested in newspaper work should try to watch this week's edition of "Independent Lens" on PBS. The program will present "The Paper," a documentary that chronicles the challenges faced by student journalists at Penn State's college paper, the Daily Collegian.

WMEC-TV, Macomb's PBS station, is airing the hour-long program twice this week -- both times in the wee hours of the morning. It's on "tonight" at 3 a.m. and again "Saturday night" (Sunday from 4 to 5 a.m.).

Next week's "Independent Lens" looks at Ralph Nader's activism and career, in case you're interested.